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Upcoming Events
- Thu, Feb 20Virtual EventFew animals can compete with the mealworm for protein and lipid production. One of the top ranchers in the country will share her insights on how she raises these miraculous animals.
- Fri, Feb 21Virtual EventIt has been called a stupid law with a stupid name. Yet it endures. What is the Jones Act and why does it matter? Learn more with subject matter expert Colin Grabow.
- Tue, Jan 28VirtualYaupon Holly leaves were used for thousands of years by southeastern native tribes as a stimulating beverage, medicinal plant and ceremonial drink. Amongst the most sacred of our native medicinal plants, it is the only indigenous source of caffeine in North America.
- Thu, Jan 16Zoom RoundtableIn Symbiotic Planet, renowned scientist Lynn Margulis shows that symbiosis, which simply means members of different species living in physical contact with each other, is crucial to the origins of evolutionary novelty.
- Thu, Dec 19VirtualWhat has worked and what hasn't in the Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) space? Join a group of international experts as we dissect the good, the bad, and the promise of the future.
- Wed, Dec 18VirtualDiscover the power of neuroscience with Karen Falkler, award-winning executive coach and CEO of Falkler Advisory. Renowned for her transformative approach, Karen helps leaders unlock their unique potential by aligning mental, emotional, and physical strengths for authentic, sustainable success.
- Tue, Dec 10VirtualDiscover the Transformative Power of Quality over Quantity with our guest speaker Donna Duffy.
- Tue, Nov 19Virtual EventForest fires, wildfires and flash droughts used to be rare occurrences. Now that they are common, what are some of the tools we use to predict them, mitigate against their impacts, respond to them and then work on restoration? Join us for this enlightening presentation on the history, the current
- Tue, Nov 19ZoomAs natural disasters become more frequent—particularly in coastal areas—we face a significant loss of housing stock. Our path forward lies in a symbiotic approach
- Wed, Oct 30WebinarIn today’s global food supply chain, there are typically only 3-7 days of food inventory at any given moment. As disruptions become more frequent, food insecurity is an increasing concern. But what will the landscape look like 11 years from now?
- Thu, Sep 12Virtual WebinarMaria Velissariou delves into the wealth of experience she brings from her extensive background in food technology and sustainability.
- Thu, Jun 27The Coffee SpotJoin us for lunch and discussion on how to improve your communication skills with Think Faster, Talk Smarter.
- Thu, Jun 20ZoomExplore content and how you can leverage AI and still remain rooted and constant in your inner wellness with founder of InkJoi Grant LaCorte. This webinar will show you how to boost growth and productivity while remaining rooted in wellness. This is an interactive and conversational webinar.
- Thu, May 16Virtual WebinarWhat if everything you ever wanted was on the other side of a conversation? Chances are, it is. Generative listening is the new baseline for conversation. This practice will make you better at everything you do from parenting to partnering to leadership of your team.
- Tue, May 14Virtual WebinarJoin us for Superstruct: a virtual event where we'll learn how to build sustainable sales strategies with the one and only Jeff Goldberg!
- Tue, May 07Virtual WebinarJoin us for Superstruct: Raising Revenue, where we'll dive into strategies for boosting your income stream in a fun and engaging online.
- Wed, May 01Virtual WebinarA 60-minute webinar designed to equip you with insights and strategies to fuel growth, avoid crises, and maintain work-life harmony!

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